Windar Renovables welcomes a visit from the Special Army Forces at its Avilés facilities


The General Business Director, Justo Acedo Carrillo, welcomed them at the factory where they were given a guided tour to see and learn a little more about the manufacturing processes.

The itinerary began at one of the work centres located in the Industrial Area of the Principality of Asturias (PEPA), where they received a training talk from the Health and Safety technicians on the guidelines to follow, and were given the necessary material to be able to travel properly and safely (reflective waistcoat, helmet and eye protection).

Throughout the visit, several groups were formed in which each worker in charge of them gave them certain instructions to explain the different pieces we work with, as well as the lines of work we follow and mentioning some of the ongoing projects that are currently being developed.

Afterwards, the visit moved to the facilities of the Port Authority of Avilés, where they were received by the staff of Windar Offshore, and where they were able to see first hand the offshore wind parts that are being manufactured and stored and that will soon depart.