Windar is researching with Arcelor into higher quality steels for the offshore wind farm works in Fene


The Asturian company Windar renovables is investigating with Arcelor the development of special steels, with greater strength and durability, for the parts of wind farms it is building at the former Imenosa site.

Windar manufactures components for offshore wind farms for Iberdrola and Statoil but has submitted bids for four other tenders for the installation of new enclosures in Europe and expects them to result in new orders.

These are Repsol’s Beatrice wind farm in northern Scotland, Iberdrola’s East Anglia One in the UK, EDP Renováveis’ Moray Firth in Scotland and Windfloat in northern Portugal.

Together, they involve a demand for more than 200 jackets, the metal structures on which offshore wind turbines sit.